Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. Readers can become...
Add Images, Videos & Style Your Text
Adding images and videos to your posts is a great way to grab readers’ attention. Writing a text post? You can style it too with bold,...
Hashtag Your Posts
Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag?...
Add Blog Writers
Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large...
Imagine the goal in life was not about how much you need but learning how little. To let go of everything and leaving the earth with as...
Let go of the Reigns
Allowing others to hold the space you once held is a part of growth. Knowing where to go from the space you once held is an art. Moving...
Dosha your Yoga
Energy governs physiological activity. This energy is called dosha in Ayurvedic science. The Chopra Center states there are three energy...
What would the world be like today if we were identified not by what we had or by our appearances but only by our true selves? Purusha,...
One thing
Every being is designed to give, this is what makes life thrive. To give service in life takes focus on what to do in order to give life...
This latest blog is to commemorate one year since I broke my femur in a skate boarding incident. March 27th is the anniversary date of...