4TH ANNUAL “ALL GOOD” YOGA FESTIVAL October 2, 2021 Started in November 2018 at the Rodeo Grounds out of a student’s request to make time to meditate. This idea soon became a way of giving back to students who gave support throughout the year. Continuing that tradition of serving others and giving back enters its 4th year this November 2021. Past years were FREE, this year donations are welcome to help support the instructors and continue the sustainability of this tradition. Donations can be made at the Yoga Festival, on the website www.benhicksyoga.com or online at EventBright.com/Lake Havasu Yoga Festival The name originally was No Bad Days, which is a common catch phrase in Lake Havasu. In 2020 the name of the retreat was changed to reflect a more positive outlook. “All Good” which speaks the words All and Good rather than No and Bad. 2020 also changed from Yoga Retreat to Yoga Festival, making this the second year with the title, “Lake Havasu All Good Yoga Festival”. Other changes in 2021 include the location. This year the yoga festival has been moved to the Nautical Beachfront Resort Convention Center. The new location will support lodging, food, coffee and shelter from the elements. For reservations at the Nautical Beachfront Resort use link: https://reservations.travelclick.com/10595 RatePlanId=5688293
In prior years the yoga schedule has been made up of instructors with diverse backgrounds and origins. This year follows that trend with instructors from California, Canada, Arizona, and Nevada. Begin transformation with a traditional Fire Ceremony, bring in the new day with a nature hike including Qi Gong, spend the day and early evening being immersed in yoga practice, movement, meditation and sound healing. Other activities will be offered including Aura readings, chair massage and hopefully we have the Acro Cat from Virginia Beach back to offer his expertise in Acro Yoga. Every year the Yoga Festival has taken a word of intention, this year the word of intension is “Honor”. Honor is synonymous with Traditional Yoga philosophy and is often used to reinforce the practice. Examples of this include, “honor the practice, honor your body, honor where you are today, honor this space, honor your fellow human being, honor your teachers (guru), honor your parents, honor the environment, honor all living things.

Attend the entire weekend of classes or just drop in to one 90-minute session. Deepen your practice or take the first steps in beginning your practice and above all honor yourself.
For inquiries and donations;